domingo, 2 de octubre de 2011


Tsunza 4 Life Women’s Group (TLWG) is a new emerging group of women who struggle to change their rural life styles, to become more autonomous, to make the best out of their time, to raise their feminine voices and be heard everywhere.
Fostered and founded by Children of Africa Volunteers Association, the main objective of the group is to develop professional skills among women and to provide them with means of income earning so that they can become part and parcel of the family sustain.
The group is composed of 10 women under the guidance of a chief representative, elected by themselves. Children of Africa Association has provided them with a workshop sponsored by COA and Maisha Safi Association, where they will have access to all types of materials and a structure where to work comfortably.
The main activities that the group will be involved in are sewing, soap manufacturing, making of bracelets and decorations, among others. Once they engage in these activities and become able to produce quite a reasonable bulk of stock, Children of Africa Association and Maisha Safi will engage in the marketing of such products both in Kenya and in Europe.
The income produced by selling their products will be fully given to the women’s group, which will select a treasurer in charge of controlling and giving a good use to it, according to the group’s demands and decisions. If the income is big enough, they can decide to become a Women’s Trust, by which they would be able to apply and provide small credits among themselves so that they can develop further economic activities.

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